Английский язык

Конфликты и подростки

Ефимова Нина Яковлевна
учитель английского языка
г. Петрозаводск

Очень часто подростки не знают, как вести себя в сложных ситуациях, которые могут привести к конфликтам. На уроках английского языка я стараюсь помочь подросткам через игру разобрать различные конфликтные ситуации, выбрать модели поведения в конфликтных ситуациях, рассказать о тех моделях поведения, которые приемлемы у христиан. Главное, чтоб конфликт был разрешен, а не вошел в стадию конфронтации. Этому можно и нужно научить наших учеников прямо на уроках, в том числе и на уроках английского языка.

Неоценимую помощь в разработке уроков по данной теме мне оказали коллега из США, учитель с огромным стажем, мудрейший человек Патриция Байол и сотрудник Международной Школьной Программы, преподаватель МГУ им. М.Ломоносова Чечеш Кудачинова. Им моя огромная благодарность!

Данный материал можно использовать на уроках английского языка в 10-11 классах.

Выстраивается следующая цепочка в работе. Даются три разных текста.

Задачи по работе с текстом № 1:

  • прочитать текст, выделить основные глаголы (те, что показывают реакции человека в конфликтной ситуации).
  • поставить «диагноз» нашим героям.
  • дать совет нашим героям.
  • проиграть вновь данную ситуацию с учетом нового видения этой ситуации.

Text № 1:

After the parents-teachers conference it was very difficult for Mrs.Green to make herself talk to the teacher about her son Mike's problems. She understood that their conversation wouldn't be easy. She tried to start:

«Mrs.Apply, I can not explain why my son is so ...», she couldn't continue.

«Does he talk with you about any problems at school? asked Mrs Apply.

«No, he keeps silent. When I ask him what is wrong, why he got a bad mark he doesn't want to discuss this. ...When Father offers him to help, he ignores it. «I can do everything myself, I can solve my problems»

«Mrs. Green, interrupted Mrs.Apply, do you know that Mike's results of Maths test are very bad. How did he explain you this fact?»

«He said that it was not his fault, it was the teacher who didn't repeat the task and ...»

«And he is right; other people are guilty in his failure.»

«Yes, Mrs. Apply. My son denies that he is responsible for his results of studying. I don't know what to do, how to help him. I'm ashamed of hearing that my son is the worst student in your grade. He... Soon he will give in this situation and...»

По тексту идет следующая работа:

1. Read all the verbs from this text

2. Do you agree that...

  • Mrs. Green wanted to have a good contact and understanding with Mike's teacher
  • Mrs. Apply wanted to help Mike
  • Mrs. Green was very happy to talk to Mike's teacher
  • The teacher didn't want to listen to any arguments
  • Mike was a good student
  • Mike's parents were not indifferent to their son's problems
  • All the teachers were very attentive to Mike
  • Mike couldn't deal with his problems himself.

3. Can you explain the meaning of the following words in another way?:

  • «to withdraw» means that ...
  • «to ignore somebody» means ...
  • «to deny» means ...
  • «to give in» means ...

4. Answer the following questions:

  • Who are the main characters of this situation?
  • Can you describe the portrait and the behavior of Mike?
  • Have you ever seen (met) people with the same type of behavior?
  • Who are they?
  • If you were a teacher what would you undertake in this situation to help this boy?

5. What is your own opinion on occasion of this situation?

6. Let's play the continuation of this situation but try to «correct» the behavior to better of our character Mike.

Text № 2:

«Let me explain you, Peter. It's not polite to behave as you do at school...»
«I don't want to hear you or anybody! What can you explain me?»
«Peter, try to listen to me and understand. You are at school. There are 25 pupils in this grade. There are some rules which you should follow.»
«I'm fed of your school! I don't want to attend it! I'll break all the furniture in this room!»
«Are you threatening us? Why do you always shove kids around? Why have you hit your classmate Melanie this morning?»
«Because! My Dad... Dad ... will complain about you!»
«Don't yell, Peter...I'm sorry but .....»

По тексту могут быть заданы следующие вопросы:

  • What does it mean «to threaten»?
  • What is threat connected sometimes with?
  • Why do some children prefer to push?
  • What is a personal distance?
  • A person is yelling. Is this an oral threat?
  • Can an oral threat be connected with any physical actions? When?
  • Can it be dangerous for other people?
  • What would you offer to do in this situation?
  • Can you replay this situation again?

Text № 3:

«Mum, why do you always grumble?»
«Listen to me, darling.»
«Mum, do you remember how old I am?»
«I'm sorry but ...»
«I want to be with my friends. But they don't have any curfew at all!»
«Try to understand me, my concerns. I'm afraid when you go out so late. It's too late and sometimes dangerous to go out after 10 o'clock.»
«Mum, my dear Mum, I'm not alone. You know that Ken always sees me home. He is brave and very strong.»
«Darling, can you promise me to call if you are ...»
«Yes, Mum, I promise but try not to worry and be calm. Everything will be OK. Believe me.»
«Yes, yes...»

По тексту можно обсудить следующие вопросы:

  • Who are the main characters of this dialogue? Draw their portraits.
  • What relationships do they have? Can you prove it?
  • How do they try to be understood?
  • What kind of arguments do they use?
  • How did they find a solution of this situation?

Далее могут быть выполнены следующие задания:

  1. Continue the conversation of these persons.
  2. Could you imagine your conversation with your Mum or Dad?
  3. Could you suppose their manner of behavior?

Можно выстроить ряд глаголов, которые употребляются в диалогах и которые подразумеваются.

По ходу обсуждения трех текстов должна выстроиться следующая таблица:

Three styles of behavior in conflicts

Avoidance (to avoid –уйти)



Withdraw (to withdraw–уклониться)

Threaten (угрожать)



Push (толкать)


Deny (отрицать)

Hit (бить) 


Give in (сдаваться)

Yell (кричать)

Resolution (принимать решение)



What style of behavior would you prefer? Why?


Письменная работа предполагает высказывание учащихся по поводу всех трех ситуаций, своего собственного поведения или ситуации в своем классном коллективе.


Далее приведена работа ученицы 10-го класса, где был проведен урок по данной теме:

«I have a very bad character. So, very often, when I want to deal with any problem I started to yell and to swear. If course, everything depends on my own mood. It is often not very good and my attitude toward other people often turns into confrontation.

Naturally confrontation is not the main type of my behavior in conflicts. It's the extreme measure in the extreme conflicts and often these conflicts are connected with other people whom I don't like. If I sympathies to a person I will listen to him/her and try to understand him/her.

Generally everything in my life depends on my character and mood. I know that it's not very good but I can do nothing with it. I'm only 17 and it may be our teenager maximalism... I think I'll learn to understand others, help others in difficult situations and take my own resolutions but later, later... Life is a good teacher.

Rita D.»

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