Английский язык

Successful and unsuccessful people

Мы рекомендуем использовать данный материал при преподавании курса «Как сбываются и разбиваются мечты». Вы можете добавить свои высказывания и фразы, характеризующие успешного и неуспешного человека, чтобы организовать дискуссию в классе и дать ребятам возможность подумать, что отличает успешного человека от неуспешного.

Successful people

Unsuccessful people

Have a sense of gratitude

Have a sense of entitlement

Forgive others

Hold a grudge

Give other people credit for their victories

Take all the credit for their victories

Accept responsibilities for their failures

Blame others for their failures



Read everyday

Watch TV everyday

Keep a journal

Say they keep a journal but really don’t

Talk about ideas

Talk about people

Want others to succeed

Secretly hope others fail

Share information and data

Horde information and data

Keep a ‘to-be’ list

Don’t know what they want to be

Exude joy

Exude anger

Keep a ‘to-do/project’ list

Fly by their seat of their pants

Set goal and develop life plans

Never set goals

Continuously learn

Think they know it all

Embrace change

Fear change

Operate from a transformational perspective

Operate from a transactional perspective

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